Baby shower blues

Jessica • 1 angel boy 💙 1 beautiful little girl 💖🌈

This is my first child and the first grandchild on my mum and dad's side and my mum and sisters won't be going to my baby shower as they are seeing one of my sisters off to Italy at the airport which is only 40 mins away from my shower but won't be able to even come for a couple of minutes which is a huge disappointment to me. my dad said he probably won't come because it's more of a girl thing. I don't have to many friends and the ones I do have most of them can't go either!

I feel like such an emotional wreck and feel so unloved. It's sad that my friend is organising it and I feel bad for her as well as myself that basically no one is coming. I just want to cancel the whole thing and not even bother, I'm just so hurt 😞