LONG Birth story: On Saturday, June 9th at 330am I began experiencing contractions

LONG Birth story: On Saturday, June 9th at 330am I began experiencing contractions. I was 39w6d (My hubs and I had intercourse about 8ish pm just as a boost the process, but I never knew that it would REALLY happen) I was awaken by the pain, but attributed it to sex. At about 5ish I had to get up because the pain I was experiencing had gotten a little worse and I wanted to begin tracking them with my app. I started tracking at 5:13 am, up until I went to the hospital at 8:15pm. (I wanted so long because I had gone to the doc the day before and hadnt progressed any.)

After I checked in and my doc diagnosed me, she derermined that they'd keep me because I had dialated to 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced and my baby's heart rate was dipping with each contraction. So....the journey began...

I checked into my room and labored for another 3 hrs and when my doc checked me I was already 8 cm and 80% effaced. I was happy and sad because I thought I would not be able to get an epidural (by this time, breathing through the contractions became extremely difficult.) The anesthesiologist came in, after about 20 mn, and gave me "the shot. I felt relief but only on one side. As I TRIED to deal with it, I told my nurse that I was still feeling pain on my right side and she assured me it was pressure. (IT WASNT...IT WAS PAIN) The anesthesiologist returned and affirmed that I was indeed only getting thr medicine on the left side. After 25 hours of labor , a semi-failed epidural, my son decided to turn sideways and couldnt fit through the birth canal. I opted for a C-section at 9 cm dilated. Through this process I learned that plans do not always go accordingly. Ive also learned to be your own advocate.

BUT THROUGH IT ALL, GOD BLESSED ME WITH THE MOST PRECIOUS GIFT EVER. I am beyond grateful that he is here healthy, and happy and thankful that I made it through. I am dealing with the healing process that comes with a C-Section, tackling breast feeding, and lack of sleep, I can confidently say he's been ALL worth it.

Name: Nevyn Reis Washington

Born: June 10, 2018 via C-section

Length: 19 inches

Weight: 7lbs .04 oz