I just want to cry

Mystic_Gemini • single mother by choice to an amazing little boy - 12/22/17

My son is almost 6 months old and we’ve always struggled with low supply. It got especially hard after I went back to work at 3 months. I’ve been able to breastfeed in the morning and I pump at work but only get a few ounces a day. So he gets mostly formula from the sitter. In the evening and on weekends I have him nurse at each feeding and give him formula only if he’s still hungry.

Well, I was on vacation for the last 10 days and had really hoped that being with the baby 24x7 and all the extra nursing would boost my supply. But I just pumped for 30 minutes and this is all I got:


I’m so unhappy. I love breastfeeding but I hate pumping and only do it so my little supply won’t dry up completely. But it’s just depressing seeing the tiny pools of milk. I’m starting to wonder if pumping is even worth it, or if I’ll still make enough to breastfeed morning and evening without it.

Because it will make me feel better, here’s a picture of my little cutie:

P.S. While I’d love feedback on still being able to bf (or not) without pumping, please don’t reply with tips to boost supply. I’ve literally tried everything.