I’m an awful woman

I’m just one angry evil bitter ass woman and I don’t know why or how to fix it. I want to because i never used to be like this. Idk if it’s frustration and stress but I’m literally bitter and selfish to almost everyone, even children (I don’t have any but my boyfriends nieces and nephews) but I think it’s because they don’t listen to me or respect me. No one seems to care that they are like this with me (and it’s not like I just came around. I been around the family for a quite a while, well over a year) and I just hate being around the kids. They’re all entitled, spoiled rotten little brats. All 9 of them. And it just makes me more angry and bitter that they let them walk around being so disrespectful. My family raised their children differently. And maybe that’s why but I’m still so bitter and I used to be so loving and nurturing and kind. I want to know what to do to possibly help myself so that that way I can be the way I want to be with the children. 😩

And yes I know they’re just children. They’re still learning and growing but they know what they’re doing and that they will get away with it. I just don’t want to start a family with my boyfriend and have my kids grow up to be this way because they will primarily be around his family and inevitably pick up the ugly habits and behavior. I love my boyfriend, just not his family. And we’re in a completely different state than where my family is.

What do I do?