SAHM with 0 friends

Lauren • 👼🏼💜👦🏼💙🌈👶🏼💙

I’m a SAHM with 3 kids. I have a 13yo SS, a 3yo son, and a 4mo son and every other weekend we have my 10yo SS. My fiancé works M-F 5-6ish so that leaves me home with the kids, by myself, all day in the middle of a shit town with no yard to bring the kids out to play on. I’m 22 and have my permit but nobody seems to ever have the time to teach me how to parallel park so I’m stuck home 5 days a week. I had a lot of friends before I got with my ex then he would steal or fuck them over which always back fired on me because I was dumb enough to believe him over them. I had 2 best friends for the last 7 years but one of them lives over an hour away and the other one stopped talking to me over me not wanting to watch her 2 kids because all I do is “sit on my ass all day anyway”. I’ve ALWAYS been the type of person to never say no even if it makes me miserable but I just couldn’t do it. I’ve done it before and it was hell and that was before my youngest son was born. So that leaves me with my kids and my fiancé which is fine when he’s home but he works at least 5 days a week sometimes 6 and sometimes he travels for work. We take the kids out to do fun stuff when he’s home on weekends and he even sometimes invites his friends and their wives so maybe I can be friends with them 😂 most days I’m fine with it but some days I just want someone to talk to and I literally have my dad and my gma. My fiancé will call me through out the day and see how things are going when he’s traveling between jobs but other than that my life is pretty damn boring. Ive always been told that I’m “too nice” and need to learn to say no and stop letting people take advantage of me but the one time I do my so called “best friend” of 7 years just drops me like nothing. I was pretty suspicious for a while that she was just using me for babysitting whenever she wanted but I thought I was just being crazy and overthinking it. I’m glad I know now that I wasn’t crazy but it gets pretty lonely. I’ve always tried to be a good person, always put myself in others shoes for EVERYTHING and probably worry more than I should about others feelings. Any other mamas struggling like me? I seriously want my license so bad just so I can get a job and get out of the house on a regular basis. I’m starting to feel pretty useless 😞