Baby's first international trip!


I was so anxious about this trip. We had a million other things going on and it turned out to be terrible timing BUT we just did a week in Denmark/Sweden, and we're now in California for a wedding, and will be back home in Ohio in a week! This baby did 13 hours of flying yesterday like a champ. 18 days of traveling! I know I am very very lucky that my baby did so well on all his flights, and not every baby will be a breeze, but I want to share some of my experience and what worked for us.

1. Pack as light as you can handle. This also depends on how many people are traveling with you. My husband flies stand by so he was not on any of my flights. I packed just a carry on and a diaper bag, with plans do laundry.

2. Back pack diaper bags are amazing. I was able to pack almost everything for baby in his diaper bag. They're so much easier to haul around too.

3. Bring enough diapers for traveling, then just buy diapers and wipes when you arrive (granted you're not going somewhere remote)

4. Baby carrier. We didn't bring a stroller and just used the baby carrier and the diaper bag. Hands free and it goes anywhere you can.

5. Breastfeeding Mama's: wear easily accessible clothing for travel! I wore a nursing tank top, a jacket, and one of those infinity nursing scarfs for plane rides. I also kept the carrier around my waist so if I needed to get up and pace the aile with him I could strap him in easy. Pack formula just in case. If you're feeling over the whole trying to conceal your boob in public charade, just make a bottle. No judgement.

6. Baby will feed off your energy. If baby is fussing, stay calm. Block out any nasty stares and just pour your focus into baby. Anything goes: feed, use screen time, let the baby chew on the tray table if that's what keeping them chill. It will all be over soon. And you will never see these people again.

7. Check in at your gate early and ask if there's any open seats. I got upgraded to having a whole aisle to myself because it was available and I asked. Doesn't hurt to check!

8. Bring baby's birth certificate! For two reasons: airlines can ask for you to prove that your baby is under 2 and therefore doesn't require a seat. Secondly, customs asked me to prove that my son was mine. Like..... I know you weren't there Mr. Customs Officer but he came out of my vagina. It was really weird and caught me off guard. I thought he was joking at first. Luckily they didn't make a big deal and let me get on my way but imagine if they did!

9. Be flexible with schedules. So we don't have a super strict schedule at our house and I feel like that helped with travel. If you're carrying baby around and baby takes a cat nap, like just roll with it. Traveling is exhausting for everyone and our baby definitely slept way more than normal on travel days to recover.