Need some advice ladies


So almost 4 years ago I had an EP, my BF and I had only been together a year but it was devastating for me and I suffered with depression for 2 years after, my BF was working away at the time and didn’t go through it with me and honestly he never really felt the loss as we only found out I was pregnant on the day I was told it was an EP and was rushed into emergency surgery. I’ve been ready to TTC for the last year but whenever I brought up the subject he has always given a reason not to. A couple of months ago, HE mentioned that we could start TTC, so I came off BC last month and have been BBT charting but this month it’s like he’s always got a reason for us not to have sex, I keep trying but he’s busy playing video games, falling asleep on the couch or staying up late after I go to bed like he is avoiding opportunities for us to have sex. Glow says today is my highest chance to conceive and I asked him if we could BD, he said ‘I’m pretty tired, if I don’t fall asleep then yeah’. So now it’s 11pm, I have said I’m going to bed and am now laying here getting more and more angry that we are obviously not doing anything tonight and I’m probably going to miss my window this month :( I want a baby with him more than anything in this world, why isn’t he like most other guys and happy that I’m asking for more sex?! Anyone else in the same boat? Xx