Does anyone have any experience with HCG blood test?


So I’m due to have AF on Friday but the last two days I’ve had positive at home pregnancy tests... I have a UTI/Kidney infection and they were wanting to prescribe new antibiotics for me, but with a possible pregnancy they wanted to be cautious and ordered a blood test.

So I had positive at home test yesterday with a super faint line, blood test yesterday that came back with only 5 HCG, then another positive at home test today. They are having me come back Thursday for another blood test to see the HCG levels are rising.

I’m trying to be patient, but this is driving me crazy! Has anyone had any experience here? Dr Google and freaking me out, since 5HCG is technically “borderline”, and pretty low am I having a miscarriage? Or am I just too early to even know what’s going on? 🤦🏽‍♀️