Just read it please

My friend and her mom are in a fight and she really wants to move out I tried to talk her down but she doesn’t think she can resolve it in anyway. I have met her mom and she is very sweet yet she says that she is only like that around her friends and not when they are home together. She says that she always feels sad and upset when she’s at home and that they are always fighting. From what I know her mom really died care about her and she just has some mental illnesses and I do too that’s what I tried to explain to her and she says that’s not the problem, she wants to move with her Grandma who lives far from our homes and I said that it’s too far. I said she can stay here with me but I don’t support her decision and I know that a good friend should but I don’t think her mom is the problem. I really don’t know what to do please help😩. Ps. We are in 8th grade.