Give me strength....


I only have one test. And god it’s taking all my willpower not to just go pee all over it.

I was pregnant a couple of months ago but sadly miscarried at around 5 and a half weeks.

Now I’m having a lot of the same symptoms as I did then. I feel like my boobs have been used a punch bags. They ache. My nipples ache. Also my boobs have suddenly grown. I feel nauseous. I’m bloated to the point I’m waddling. My head hurts. I literally have no energy at all. My muscles ache. I feel so full even if I don’t eat, which I struggle to do with the nausea and feeling full. I’m peeing more often.

I’m not due on till Sunday/ Monday so I told myself I’ll wait till the Wednesday to see if I come on and if I don’t I’ll text then. But will power has never been a strength of mine. (Even though my middle name is actually patience. Haha.)

Motivate me to wait ladies!!!