Iron infusion side effects, help me 😫😫


Might be a bit TMI?

So yesterday I got an iron infusion, while I got it I felt absolutely normal. I felt fine for about 5/6 hours and then my body started ache, and I meant completely and severely ache everywhere.

Now I woke up vomiting till I was dry-wrenching and vomiting up yellow stomach acid. I have diarrhoea which WON’T subside with anything. Any food and water I have just goes straight back out (either end). I’ve tried anti-inflammatory cream (can’t take oral anti-inflammatory meds because of allergy). I’ve tried non-medicated topical creams all over my body. I’ve tried icing and warming my body. Ive taken anti-nausea tablets and nothing is working.

Never in my life so I remember crying over physical pain but I’m so close to just losing it.

I’m not sure what to do at this point and I’m just feeling worse and worse. I’ve tried naps and everything else.