32.4 weeks and breech

Emily • 💫Mama to Ollie and Maggie... PCOSer... Wife... RN 💫

I feel huge and gross. I’ve only gained 6 pounds from my first prenatal to my most recent appointment yesterday. I was overweight to begin with. Doctor said I should gain 15-20 pounds and I’m finding that difficult. I eat very healthy this time around but also indulge here and there. Baby girl is in frank breech position and making no attempts to turn. Doc told me we will discuss options at 36 weeks. I do not want them to manually turn her. That scares me too much. I had a NVD with my son and I’m definitely feeling some anxiety about the possibility of needing a c-section. Any tips to get her to turn naturally? Or wise words from those who have had c-sections in the past? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! TIA! Pics of my amazing family. I’m so blessed. ❤️❤️❤️💕