Fear and overcoming it

Dear all, my story starts at August 2011 when I meet my now husband. The same year my father dies suddenly and that is how the year ends. Everything is ok till /016 when I have a blood clot in my leg and go through a more physical struggle to be sain! A few months after that I get pregnant, and I have a MC in 6+4! A year after that I get pregnant the second time and I have a MC in 6+4! That was in October 2017! Two months later my mom dies, and I officialy have nobody except my husband. In Marc 2018 I get pregnant the third time and they start me on heparin immediately.

Now I am 15 weeks pregnant with a heathy girl. My question is, after the losses and MC’s how do I relax and enjoy the pregnacy? I am always anxious, afraid that something is not right, when I feel a poke or a pain I am certain that I am having onother MC!

Please give me advice in how to get normal and start enjoying this pregnancy!