I feel so torn

My FI and I have been ttc for 3 years. We've been thru miscarriages and treatments and still no baby. This month I tracked everything and really wanted to try this cycle. Well my FI didn't. I got so upset. I am so upset. He said I have to have faith and that he doesn't want to feel used and he doesn't want a baby made that way. I said you have to have sex to have a baby. I'm not the Virgin Mary. I told him I give up.

I really want to have children. I'm not getting any younger. He mentioned how many times we tried and it didn't work. Partially true because we did get pregnant a few times I just didn't stay pregnant. I think he wants to just do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. It will be easier for him. He won't have to have sex on schedule. It will be me who has to go thru all of the hard stuff. I do have faith that I will get pregnant. Thing is, it's not magic, we have to TRY! We have to put forth an effort. I guess I'm just frustrated.