Norethisterone and pcos

Sasha • Pcos-Ttc for 4 years 😪😖😭

I’ve only just started getting regular-ish periods.. I have pcos.. I’ve been prescribed norethisterone one tablet, 3 times a day... as I have a camping trip coming up, my period is due in 5 days, and my camping trip is on the 22nd of June and I didn’t want the risk of my period turning up as they hurt like a Bitch and they are super heavy!

My questions are

- any ladies with pcos ever had these tablets?

-did they mess your periods up after?

- did you get pregnant after taking these?

- is the period worse after being on these?

- is there a higher chance of me getting pregnant?

-any other things to take into consideration?

We are ttc.. 4 years strong 💪🏽 ❤️

Also I have one last question..

Usually around one week before my period my boobs really hurt, my tummy starts cramping and hurting, I get really bad break outs but nothing this month, period is due in around 5 days and I have no symptoms... has anybody had this and did get a BFp?