Getting my life back on track 💪

I don't really know where to post this, but I really just wanted to share this because I'm very proud of myself.

So to set the scene, I'm 23 years old, a high school dropout, a sexual abuse survivor, and married to the most amazing and supportive man.

I had a job that I hated. My boss was extremely manipulative and rude. My paychecks were always short. There was no communication. But I stayed because it was a "classy" place and it looked good from the outside.

I couldn't drive. It gave me really bad anxiety so I never got my license. My husband took me to work when he could (he works fulltime), and I was riding the bus when he couldn't, which was the majority of the time.

One fateful day, I rode the bus to work, walked through the pouring rain, and started my shift at my awful job. The owner was in an especially bad mood this day, and she took it out on me. On several occasions, she lashed out at me, calling me names, belittling me in front of customers and other employees. Did I mention that the owner is my grandmother?

I had a bit of a meltdown in the break room. I sat alone during my unpaid 15-minute lunch break. I cried for a few minutes, tried to eat my food, failed, and went back to work early. Apparently I had some mascara on my face because my boss/grandma blew up on me and threatened to call my mom. Let me reiterate, I am A GROWN ADULT. She called me a loser, an idiot, worthless, etc. in the middle of the store, where everyone could witness my humiliation.

That night, I went home and put in my 2 weeks. I was scheduled to work the next day, but she told me not to bother showing up. I never got my final paycheck.

Instead of moping all day as I usually would, I decided that I was fed up. I called the DMV and scheduled my test to get my license. I also scheduled a job interview.

Now, less than one month later, I am a licensed driver working fulltime at a job that I love. I am studying for my GED, which I am going to take at the end of July. I am so much happier. I want certain things out of my time on this planet, and I'm not going to wait for someone else to figure it out for me. Fuck anyone who doubts me. This is MY responsibility and I'm taking it back.