Condom broke day after ovulation

So my partner and I were having sex, and we found out after he came that the condom broke. Obviously I panicked and we went to the nearest pharmacy, but once I got there and spoke to the pharmacist, the pharmacist told me that since I ovulated already, plan B would not actually be very effective. (Note that he didn’t discourage me from taking plan B, but since I’m in Biology I was asking him about exactly what it does hormonally, etc,) I have 3 different apps that all tell me that my ovulation was at earliest 4 days before unprotected sex and latest 1 day

before, and I have a very very regular cycle (25 days). I take my bbt almost every morning, so I’m following it stressfully right now. The next morning I took an ovulation test (not sure if it was necessary) and confirmed that I wasn’t still ovulating.

The reason why I didn’t want to take plan B was because I’ve already taken it once before, and it caused me to bleed (period level) for 10 days straight. I also read a study in a paper that stated that women who were in a post-ovulatory phase who took the emergency pill (of progestin) were likely to have their regular period at the regular time because of the way progesterone is already rising in the menstrual cycle.

I know this is really uncommon, but if the scientific papers I was reading online are correct, then it would mean I have a chance of bleeding all the way up to my period and then have my period, and that scared me so much that I didn’t want to take plan B. Honestly, the first time was horrible and terrifying, and I remember being so nauseated one day that I couldn’t get out of bed. The side-effects pushed my period back about 1 week as well.

Does anyone have any similar experience? I just want to know how bad my chances are.