Miscarriage at 6 weeks

Last week i stopped feeling pregnant out of no where; no more sore boobs, no nausea, no fatigue. It kinda worried me but i figured that i was still very early on in my pregnancy and that the symptoms would resume later on. Then throughout the weekend i was getting on and off cramps that i assumed were normal during early pregnancy.

When i got home from work yesterday i fell asleep and woke up to pee. All was normal except that there was dark red blood on my tissue when i wiped. I didnt freak out because i’ve read a lot of stories on here and i told myself that if i was miscarrying then it just wasnt the time for my last baby. Ever since then, i’ve only been bleeding/clotting when i stand up and when i pee. I only have lower back pain and period like cramps here and there. How will i know when i have passed everything?