My husband wants me to loose weight before TTC #2

Melissa • Daughter 12/1/2016 ♥️ 32 weeker ToF PA MAPCAs ♥️ pregnant with #2 🌈 baby ♥️ MC 10/3/2018 👼

I'm 5'0" (when I stretch) and I currently weigh about 117 lbs. I was about 105-110 when we discussed having a baby the first time but my obgyn suggested I gain a little to make getting pregnant easier. I wound up going a little overboard and weighed about 125 by the time we got pregnant 😱. My husband had trouble in the bedroom department while TTC due to my weight gain. I gained slowly during my pregnancy at first barely hitting the minimum weight gains but got bad preeclampsia and by the end I was over 160lbs (at 32 weeks when she was born) due to all of the swelling and water weight. I am just getting back to my old size but I have been struggling to get lower than 120 and keep jumping back up. We are talking about having another baby but my husband is worried about my weight gain. He said he doesn't want to try again until I hit my goal weight of 110. Well 110 and baby here I come! I was hoping to reach 112 in the next 4 weeks but I'm going to push myself to hit the 110. My husband said that as long as I hit the 110 goal we will try in 6 weeks! We aren't telling anyone about out TTC plans this

time but I had to share somewhere!! 👶👣🤰

Here is to hitting 110 in 4 weeks and making baby #2!!! Baby dust to everyone!! 😘