Never give up. ❤️❤️

Kenna’s Mommy👼🏻

So pretty much my whole life I have been told I wouldn’t be able to have a baby of my own, so at the age of 24 I adopted a beautiful baby boy who is now 16.

In May my fiancé took me on a work trip with him to snowy beautiful Maine, two weeks later my period was two days late. So just because I decided to take a test, (positive). I almost fainted in the bathroom. So after 5 more positive test I did a blood test. Yup. We were having a baby. I was SO excited

April 1st I started cramping and left work, blood test the next day, and my HCG was going down, miscarriage. No one will know heartache until you go from not being able to have kids, to pregnant to loosing it within a week.

We worked through it together, decided to get on this app and another and start tracking everything so we could try again

So I am so happy we are once again pregnant two months after our miscarriage. Blood tests tomorrow to confirm

Never give up trying!!!