Boyfriend was in a moped accident tonight...

Emma • 💑 Tatum Rae born Feb. 6, 2018 👶🏼🎀🌸💗 insta: @e.noble


My boyfriend was in a moped accident tonight. He was leaving his side landscaping job on his moped when looked down at his speedometer and looked back up as he was rear ending a car that had stopped at a green light. He flew over his handle bars and his body slid on the pavement next to the car. He sprained his wrist and has road burn all over his body.

When the cops showed up they arrested him for an outstanding ticket that he never paid (i know i know). Put the hand cuffs on him so tight that his sprained wrist started swelling around them.

My dad called me and told me what happened. My stomach and heart dropped the second he said Dylan (my bf) had been in an accident. The thing I feared the most had actually happened. Every time Dylan leaves the house I always make sure to tell him that I love him and to be careful just in case it’s the last time I ever see him.

My dad went and bailed him out and we went to the hospital to get him checked out. They put a ton of bandages on his back because of how deep the road burn was. They also gave him a removable splint for his wrist/hand.

Fortunately, he’ll be okay. Other than a sprained wrist and a really painful shower tonight he survived and that’s all that matters to me.

These are some pics of the after math:

Sprained wrist ^^

I’m not gonna post a pic of his butt and back because I personally think it’s too gruesome to share because of how bad it is.

Coming home to see our baby girl definitely helped cheer him up ☺️

He put his splint back on after he was done cuddling her.

Tonight was a scary and emotional night and I so hope we never have to go through anything like this ever again.

Please no hate, I really don’t need it tonight