I need some guidance

Nadya • Son & Daughter
My period is being rather strange this time around. Cramping and spotting at first like normal but the spotting was brown which I figured was normal already. Then Monday and Tuesday I have medium spotting/flow that was mostly brown with some pink. Here comes some TMI. usually when I go to the restroom on my period I have blood when I wipe and in the toilet. The last two days has been clear in the toilet and only brownish pink when I wipe. I saw a very small cloth yesterday when I wiped. 
Now today is different. Nothing. Barely anything at all. I've had some spotting of pink here and there but nothing major. I feel some cramping style in my lower abdomen but it's not it one place. I'm really trying not to think that the baby gods have blessed me... Yet could I possibly be? Should I test? Should I wait and see? 😓