How do I politely tell my grandma to stop being annoying?


So I’ve lived with my grandma for all of

My life basically my mom is crazy and lives in another state and my dad lives in a not so good area which is the west side of Los Angeles. So I’ve been living in the suburbs with my grandparents. They bought me my first car but my dad paid them back. So it was nice and I was very grateful. But since then the car has been in the shop at least 13 times. It’s had so many problems and I haven’t even had it a year. So my grandparents told me to start looking for a new car like brand new. And I was like okay. So I found a car that I liked and showed them. My grandpa was on board but my grandma not so much. She told me that they couldn’t afford to buy me a new car which of course I wasn’t mad about I completely understand. So I decided to sell my car for $2,000 and I’ve gotten some offers. So I was going to use the same money to buy another used car but a foreign car because they of course last longer then American cars. Well my grandma doesn’t like that idea either. And I told her I have to do what’s in my budget we’re on MY budget not hers. And she keeps trying to tell me I need an expensive car but I don’t know where she expects me to get the money from. But she also wants me

To sell my car as soon as it gets out the shop. And I told her no because I don’t want to sell my car until I know I can afford another one. So she’s going around telling the family I expect her to buy me a new car and now everyone is looking at me like I’m a spoiled brat. Maybe I am I don’t know. But I also feel like she wants me to rely on her. She doesn’t like me being independent. When I had my car I was doing my own thing. Ever since it’s been in the shop I’ve been stuck in the house and haven’t been able to go anywhere. She wouldn’t take me to this meeting I had to start my finical stuff for school. I’ve been really nice about it but my blood is starting to boil. She loves controlling everything I do I’m 19 years old and even though I live in her household I also have responsibilities as a young adult. I don’t know how long I can take it. She won’t even give me Information about what’s going on with my car. I just want to know how do I politely and respectfully tell my grandma to let me grow up?