I’m a grown ass person...

And I get separation anxiety from my 3 year old. This can’t be normal...i am fine to leave her for a couple hours if it’s something I have to do n I’m distracted n will be coming back to her soon...or to take her to school...she goes to preschool 3 days a week for 3 hours a day and sometimes even then I’ll have her skip to stay with me...but if she is going with her dad or wants to stay to play with my niece or something I can’t say I have panic attacks or anything that serious...but I am anxious the whole time. To the point where I’m holding her back n trying to talk her into wanting to stay with me. Which works most the time because she doesn’t like to be away from me either. I know I’m hindering her relationship with others including her dad. I don’t know how to help myself be ok with her gone for longer periods of time and encourage her development with other people and relationships. I suck it up when I have to but feel like crap the whole time. What the heck is wrong with me? How do I overcome this?