Going Normal after removal


I really wanted to share my experience w/ removal. I completed one full nexplanon cycle(3yrs) got a new one in and kept it for 7mo before removal in Early may. My time w/ nexplanon was terrible. bleeding months at a time(would have ruined my sex life if my boyf wasn't a horn dog and didn't mind blood) I had no sex drive I felt like I was going through menopause(if I knew how it felt) I couldn't get wet at all stopped liking sex. I suffered from PTSD, anxiety and depression but w/ nexplanon I felt like I should have been in a crazy home. And the weight oh gosh the weight, I was 120 my whole life but couldn't seem to stay out of the high 140's. finally got down to 137 with eating almost vegan diet on nexplanon... After removal TMI but I'm so wet and aroused my boyf can't fathom it! he's so happy knowing I'm enjoying sex and not in any pain and real wetness beats a bunch of lube any day. I still suffer from anxiety but its no where near the same feeling. I feel the NEED to leave my house now I don't stay at home staring out the window feeling that pain in my chest! I recently got a job at a gym and I love it! And I checked my weight and im 120lbs!!!! whaaaaat! people have started saying "you're so skinny you need to eat more" which is so weird I automatically respond nooooooo. And best of all..NO BLEEDING! AF hasn't arrived and it's been out for 6 weeks me and boyf haven't been very safe but I took a test and im not preggerz. Just wanted to share some of my small wins since removal. Stay positive ladies!!! good luck to all recovering from nexplanon.