Am I in the wrong?


Please someone shed some light on what’s happened today

My partner smokes weed and I don’t, few weeks ago a neighbour called social services because they could smell weed from our back garden. So they came out and had to do an investigation into it, got dropped and they seen my son was safe (this isn’t my partners biological child)

So I was obviously really hurt with social services getting involved even though it got dropped it wasn’t a nice experience. My sons biological dad was abusive and we are going through a court battle which everyone including social services are saying he won’t be granted access but it is a possibility when out of prison he will get supervised once a month in a contact centre visit, this is than Who tried to kill us, so I’m petrified

So anyway, when social services dropped it they said because its drug related it’ll be dropped but on my file, so when going to court next month it’ll be on my report of social intervention, I know I have nothing to hide so they’re more then welcome to drug test me..

But I’ve told my partner i don’t want them smoking until after court because i know I can’t control what they do, but don’t want to jeopardise my son being around such a horrible person, i know smoking weed isn’t a crime but it may go against me..

So today, my partner has popped to my neighbours and told me it was to discuss weekend plans we’ve made.. however when coming back smelt of weed. So I asked “have you smoked” they replied “only one drag” so i just walked out the room and carried on what I was doing.. then when out, I seen my partner had a conversation with the neighbour saying “come round and we’ll smoke a joint” so my partner went over knowing full well and didn’t mention it, I then smoke to my neighbour and they’ve said my partner has smoked half a joint not one drag, so I pulled my partner up on lying to me and I’m apparently in the wrong, didn’t even get a sorry and just got “do you want to write me a list of what i can and can’t do” no sorry or remorse for the situation it could put us in or apologising for lying..

we are about to move into each other our parents to save a month for a new deposit for a rented property so we’ll be in different house holds and now I feel like it’s broken my trust, my partner said whilst I was crying about being lied to “well don’t matter we are about to live our separate lives anyway”

But doesn’t understand why I’m so upset? Am I being over sensitive because I’m 23 weeks pregnant or is this wrong?