Anyone else get sensitive nipples after ovulating?

I am not trying to conceive. We use a mix of pullout, CM, and glow to track ovulation. Is glow always accurate? I noticed alot of EWCM on my last fertile day according to glow, had unprotected sex the next day, and then the next day noticed sensitive nipples. It happens for me almost every month (but not always, which is why we had unprotected sex. I assumed i was safe) and thats how i assume i ovulated for the month. But it happened outside of my glow fertile days which isnt normal? And he DID cum in me. How long does an egg survive if i did in fact ovulate on my last fertile day or the day i had sex? Do you typically ovulate the day you notice ewcm or the day after? Period is due monday and no symptoms other than typical pms and having almost no cm. A few days ago i noticed my discharge was tinted slightly yellow, almost unnoticeable though. Since im not having symptoms like nausea  or increase in discharge im probably okay right? Sorry this question is all over the place! Lol im just worried!