healthy shammed

Sarah • mama bear bryant

so obseity with a side of death runs on both sides of my faimly ,along with body shameing irronicly ,

ive worked hard on my body no dieting no magic weight cures just water and a shit ton of pain and sweat i post this regularly and i was recently healthy shamed for working so hard while i clearly dont need to! (cause im clearly healthy aka "skinny") this only a week before a warning stroke hit me 27 years old 4 kids and a husband ,doctor said i was extremly lucky im not only healthy but active so idk why this random act of healthy shamming has affected me so much to my core im so angry ,normally like fat or skinny shamining id let it go by now but i just cant im so angry and hurt

update1: went to counseling i cant let this drag me back down into my weight roller coaster that i work so hard not to end up back on and simply explained that healthy body maintenece is needed for me so im not right back on the weight roller coaster