Painful sex

So over a year ago I had a yeast infection due antibiotics my doctor gave me when I was sick. I went back and gave me prescription for my yeast infection and it went away. After that notice my vagina was sensitive and burned after sex. I went back doctor but said all test we're negative for STDs n that he already did paps smear fir my yeast infection so he wouldn't do another .He simply told me get some lube . I went brought some lube but even year later it still painful . I hate be an annoying patient but something off don't think std because I been checked for everything however it something . My Dr still doesn't want to do anything. I'm lesbian and married we use strap on only on me we have tried different condom and lube as well but I always end up sore or burning still. It got point where I'm really feeling bad and I cry my wife is super understanding and never pressure me but it doesn't help . I miss our sex life we both in early thirties.