Does this sound like endometriosis?



So since Octoberish of last year, I’ve been having really heavy periods and really bad cramps where I just lay in bed and cry and can’t get up because it hurts too bad (I can usually handle pain very well). I cramp in between periods and have been having about two periods a month. I know this is gross, but it also hurts to go to the bathroom more while on my period. I’m always exhausted and I read endometriosis can cause anemia. I also bruise more easy. Sex is painful for me and I also haven’t been able to get pregnant. This morning I woke up from sleeping and sat straight up and started crying because I hurt so bad. I had to cancel seeing my dad on Father’s Day because I couldn’t move, it hurt so bad. I bleed through a tampon almost every hour. I take midol and I’ve taken 8 since yesterday afternoon (I know that’s more than I should but it hurts and it helps take the pain away for a little bit). I have an appointment set up, just want to know if anyone else has struggled with this and if it’s turned out to be endometriosis.

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