Do you guys believe in reaping & sowing?


I don’t. My sons dad, is a huge pos. He told me that my son was nothing & that I was a nothing ass bitch. Told me my son ain’t his son. He’s treated me like shit, he’s taken advantage of everyone, he constantly fucks people over! Doesn’t help me at allYet he lives his life, like he doesn’t give a shit. He doesn’t feel bad, he makes excuses, just doesn’t give a fuck. 🤷🏻‍♀️. I wanted so bad to take revenge, to expose him for what he is. I’m tired of him out here acting like he’s a good person, I’m tired of these girls getting fucked over and used by him. I’m tired of him not taking care of his kids. I was soooo angry. My eyes welled up with tears, and I lost it. My sister was able to calm me down, told me let it go because karma gets everyone.

It got me thinking, does karma really catch up to everyone? It seems like sometimes bad things happen to good people & good things bad people. What are your thoughts? 🙂