Hi ladies, I know no one can definitively tell me what's happening but I'm on cd 31, TTC #1 and keep testing negative. Whenever I record that AF hasn't come, Glow keeps pushing back her due date by 2 days. She was originally supposed to arrive on July 6. 
Did I ovulated late and now my period is just late? Did I not ovulate? Am I pregnant but for some reason just not getting a BFP? My boobs are usually sore from O until AF comes and based on that I'm wondering if I didn't ovulate until the 24th. I didn't use OPKs or BBT because of travel and my mum has been in the hospital so it's been a hectic period. My cycle was off in November bc I started a new job and last August when I got married so it might just be from stress. Do I still have a shot at being pregnant or is this cycle now a right off? My husband had to go home on the 3rd so no more bd for us until the 14th. Sorry for the novel, just frustrated TTC.