Intermittent Spotting

Ok so bear with me while I try to explain all of this haha 😬

I’m 23 years old and I had been on birth control for probably about 8 years because my periods used to be SO bad. I would bleed and cramp to the point where I would miss at least 1 day of school every month.

About a year and a half ago, I decided to stop taking my birth control because I started working night shift and I started nursing school and I honestly couldn’t keep up with taking it at a regular time so there wasn’t really a point in taking it since I would continuously miss doses.

I’ve been having AWFUL cramping, to the point of tears, the minutes I start bleeding. A lot of blood. Like a lot lol. But then a day later I’ll spot...and then more awful bleeding.

Might be TMI, but I only start to bleed heavy again when I have a bowel movement. Idk if I have a tilted uterus or what, but I’ve never had this issue before.

Thanks in advance!