Back on the wagon!


Hi again! It’s been a while but hubby and I are back to REALLY TTC again. In November 2015 we had our first miscarriage at 8 weeks. Relationship started to suffer.

When I finally got my cycle back on track, I got pregnant again within a few months. Had my 2nd miscarriage in June 2016. Relationship has now hit an all time low. Hubby is drinking more.

Then, in December 2016 after having my “period” for almost two weeks, my doctor told me to take a pregnancy test and sure enough, I was pregnant again. But unfortunately, it was ectopic. On the very, very bright side, we caught it early enough that I was able to get the shot Jan 1 and avoid a tube rupture.

Now, our relationship is at an all time low. Hubby is drinking behind my back, putting us in danger (driving) and lying to my face. But by the grace of God, we began focusing on our relationship, not trying to have a baby, and getting ourselves back on track. We truly mourned our losses and focused on how we could heal. It took a long time to regain that trust and feel good again.

I’ve been off my birth control for a couple months now, but not tracking. And I feel like we’re ready to really begin trying again. I’m excited and scared. I don’t know what will happen if we have another loss. Please pray for us!!