Is this good or bad???

Ok, so I have a 2 year old female Great Dane. She’s a really good girl. I do have visitors over to the house sometimes and when they knock she barks really loudly and jumps at the door. She’ll stop jumping once I go over to open the door, but she’ll still bark and growl. She eventually stops and wants to be pet and lived on. Never once has she but or tried to bite anyone. When she’s outside though she will jump at and bark at people that come near the fence such as my neighbors. Her hair will also stand on end she also is very protective of other dog’s coming on the property. My neighbors German Shepherd is always trying to come through or under the fence and she’ll have her hair on end and try to get at him through the fence. He’s not a very nice dog and I’m sure would hurt my dogs if he got the chance. He’s snapped at kids before and stuff too when the kids did nothing to him. I feel like she’s just really protective and territorial. She’s really nice to our other dog we have and again she’s only every barked at people. Is her behavior something I should worry about??

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