Screams like she’s freakin gonna die!!

Mirandia • Mirandia

Ugh this is my first child and I have no idea what to do anymore she slept great almost all night since she was born but starting about 4 weeks ago at around 4 months old she wakes out her sleep every hour screaming screaming so loud the naibors probably think we are beating her and she won’t open her eyes like as if she’s still asleep and having a bad dream and she will not sleep idk what else to do I tried against all my fears I put her on her stomach to sleep I tried in side I tried not swaddling kind you I have been swaddling since she was born but now she just gets of it or grunts and screams till I get her out I have had her on a rountine going to take shower then putting her in swaddle and giving a bottle and going to sleep and it was working just all the sudden it’s not and I don’t know what to do she screams and there is no calming her please advice