What would you do?

I’m newly pregnant and live about an hour away from a very supportive, loving, pretty well off family. My mom wants me to move closer with my new family so that her, my brother, and dad who is retired can help out watching the baby when we work and when we just need free time etc. She even offered us to move into the house into my old bedroom which is a suite and has its own bathroom. My brother said he’d loooove helping out (he’s 18, so sweet) My bf is pretty much against it. He sees my mom and family as trying to be “controlling” by having us live closer. I don’t see it that way I see it as them trying to help out, a lot of people wish they could have this and I think it would make our lives a lot easier having three more people willing to step in and help love and care for our child together as a family unit. He’s not used to having a support system he’s been on his own his entire life and doesn’t really have a loving caring strong family unit like what I came from. I always grew up feeling supported and loved he has not. He’s trying to convince me to stay where were at and basically fend for ourselves. I won’t even be eligible for maternity leave pay as I just started a new job and his job is average. So we’d definetly be tight. I stress out when money is even a little bit short. My mom said she would even help with a down payment on a new place if we needed help. She is very caring and giving .

I don’t see a point in making our lives harder and more stressful just to try and prove a point that we’re independent. I feel like they will help a ton and it will take a lot of stress and worries off the both of us. What would you do in this situation?

P.s I’m not considering moving in with them, only moving closer.