Anyone else doing ECI for speech therapy?

Visceral Mercenary • May you find your worth in the waking world.

My son had his 18 month check-up today. I brought up the fact that he only says three words and not even Mama or Dada. His pediatrician is referring him to ECI for an evaluation. I was honestly kind of surprised though I know 18 months is a common age for it. My son's pediatrician was also my pediatrician when I was a kid so I thought with him being old school, he wouldn't recommend anything until two. I'm sort of relieved because I always had a nagging feeling he would need it and I'm glad we are getting started before my second is born. I just started the every two week appointments with my OB, so I guess I'm about to have a very packed schedule. I'm a little worried about how it's going to go because my son is extremely shy, like he's the type of kid to cry and hold onto me for dear life just because an old man said Hello to him. Is anyone else's tot in speech therapy or at least scheduled for an evaluation yet?