Why so different?

Kate • Nurse, 🇦🇺 TTC my first for 2+yrs. Grieving the loss of my first 4 pregnancy’s in March/November 2018 and March/October 2019. Hoping I’ll get to hold my Rainbow baby one day.

Hi Ladies, does anyone have any suggestions as to why both these ovulation tests are SO different. Both done at exactly the same time with FMU. From the top test I’d say I was ovulating but the bottom one is definitely negative. The bottom is a cheapie - could that be the reason? Any suggestions greatly appreciated. And Baby Dust to all 😊💕✨


It’s amazing what a difference 12 hours makes From 2 negatives and 1 positive this morning to all 3 being positive tonight!! It seems FMU does make a difference. Thank you to those ladies who helped me out 😊