BF trying to make me jealous?

I’m pretty sure my boyfriend is trying to make me jealous, but I could use some opinions because I may just be overreacting (from jealousy lol) and also some advice about what to do if this continues?

So apparently, my boyfriend is hanging out with a girl from school Wednesday, then another girl (let’s call her Rachel) right before my party on Friday.

I don’t know much about the girl from school, but he’s talked about Rachel before earlier on in our relationship that made it seem like he was trying to make me jealous. He would say stuff like “lol I just listened to Rachel rant about stuff, it’s so fun to listen to her rant” and then he stopped bringing her up for a while and I was like “okay whatever. He was probably just feeling kind of insecure since it was just the beginning of our relationship.”

Fast forward 5 months and he seems to bring up the stuff about them hanging out whenever he can. He mentioned it to me privately, in a group chat with me, and then also again to me today when I asked him if anything interesting was going on. All of that didn’t bother me toooo much but then today I was like “I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately” and he said “Same. And meeting Rachel.” Maybe I am overreacting, but I was a little bothered by that.

I’m not sure what’s provoking this because I never hang out with guys other than him alone so it’s not like I’m trying to make him jealous either.

Thoughts? Advice?