Swelling and itching


Hey ladies! I’ve already reached out to my doctor for confirmation but wanted some peoples experiences as well.

Sooooo... My feet have been super swollen (not pre-eclampsia) and I’ve been doing the normal stuff. Elevating, soaking, etc but still very swollen all day everyday. About a week ago, I noticed that as the day went on and the swelling got worse- they would start to itch. The itching has gotten much worse and I was up an down all night rubbing my feet together for some relief. My hands are also swollen and itch but it’s much more mild than my feet. Skin itches all over pretty much but not sure how much of that is in my head. Lol.

So yes-I know itchy feet can be a sign of cholestasis. That’s why I am waiting to hear back from my doc. But what I want to know is if anyone has ever experienced the itch just being caused by the severe swelling? Thanks so much!!