It was great until we had a talk over text

So basically me and this guy had been "friends" since november. We're really not dating but we act like it (which is ok for me bc I dont want a boyfriend but want to try sexual things). I didn't know having sex with him would make me attach to him.. I dont even know if I actually like him or just completely attached..

Anyway in May I talk to him about how he hasnt texted me in weeks and then text me one day like it never happens. That week i was having a hard time because of college and life in general stress. He told me he feels bad he isnt there for me and all that bc he has to work (he's 6 years older than me, has a fulltime and a part time job).. and I didnt like the way he said it so I told him I regret having sex with him (he was my first I lost my virginity to him) and that he only used me for sex. Which is clearly untrue.. he's the nicest person I've ever met and the most honest one.🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I apologized a week after and he said it was fine and he wanted to let me know he doesnt want me to be upset at all.

So now Ive been trying to move on and just find a guy i like and is ready to date me. But that isnt a good idea bc I feel like I have to fix something before I go. 🤷🏻‍♀️ im better now and whether or not he likes me or wants to date me i'm fine.
