Can you get pregnant on the birth control implant even though you don’t use protection???

So guys I need help on this one? I got my birth control implant on may 1st and and me

my boyfriend had sex in that same month but we didn’t use any protection because anytime we do the condom hurts and it gets really dry up in me so I tell him to take it out. But in that month I didn’t receive my period till the 18 of may and let me tell you guys I was so scared that I was pregnant that I even toke a pregnancy test just to make sure I was not but my period lasted for good 12 days and I almost got mad and lost it but when I realized that I was a lady and my birth control was messing with me I decided to calm down.

Now here’s a new thing I experience this month so I had sex June 10th which was on a Sunday and my period came on Monday 11th and since then my period has not stop yet🙄 I know that this might sound stupid but I’m just afraid that I might be pregnant and I look up all these things on online that women can get pregnant sometimes when there’re on their period? And I don’t want to get pregnant because I’m in my last year of high school and trust me I don’t want any baby anytime soon and if I tell you guys this I think you all can understand but I get scared sometimes that I don’t even want to open my legs anymore but when I’m with him and I see that roundheaded little thing I don’t even know how my legs starts to open 😂🤦🏿‍♀️