EIF - 20 week ultrasound


Yesterday, we had our anatomy ultrasound and it was great! We saw baby moving around the entire time (we have one active baby), and then when I went in to talk to the doctor about the results she mentioned that there was a spec on the baby’s heart, she said that they see them a lot and usually they just go away and its nothing to worry about. However she did say she wanted me to follow up with fetal maternal medicine to have another ultrasound done. The doctor said other than that baby was healthy! So I didn’t think I should worry, but then of course I decide to google it and see that this could be a soft marker for Down Syndrome?? The doctor didn’t mention this to me at all, and now I am kind of worried. I didn’t get any genetic testing done because I’m young (25) and in great health with no history of any disorders. Did anyone else experience something similar?

Sorry for the long post, here’s a picture of baby sucking his/her thumb