Telling hesitant in-laws

Anyone here have experience telling parents or inlaws about a pregnancy you know they didn’t approve of? It’s ridiculous because we’ve been married just over a year, I’m 24, and he’s 26. There’s no reason for us NOT to start a family right now besides the fact that the inlaws think couples should wait several years for kids. I don’t know what his deal is, but my normally cheerful father-in-law makes comments all the time about how we better wait to get pregnant or how me and my sister in law better not get pregnant anytime soon. Anytime the subject comes up he tells us that it isn’t time for that now and that we need to wait. Like...who asked you?? Anyway, it’s not a casual thing either. He gets super serious about it. He even lectured us last year for getting a DOG because he didn’t think we should take on that responsibility so soon and was convinced we didn’t understand the financial commitment. So we’re *super* excited to see his reaction to a baby. My poor husband is stressed like a 16 year old telling his dad he knocked up his girlfriend, when he deserves to be excited to tell his parents that he and his WIFE are pregnant! Ugh. How do we tell him in a way that shows our excitement and how much we want to share this time with him, but also tells him he has no place to comment anything but congratulations??? I already told my husband that if his dad says anything negative about the baby I’ll just tell him off and claim pregnancy hormones. 😂 Good news is that my mother in law shuts him down every time he tells us to wait and she actually seems eager for a grandkid. If he does say anything, I’m thinking she’ll step in. Still, I wish I could help ease my husband’s anxiety. 🙁