Should have known...


NOT to vent to my mom about my husband 🙄

Told her tonight that sometimes hubby seems to ignore/avoid the rough stuff and doesn’t seem to consider me or the fact that I’m super pregnant and uncomfortable all the time, but he’s totally into the fun stuff like ultrasounds, shopping, baby kicks, etc. she responds with “I get it, he’s just not into it this time around” (this is our 3rd baby) ummmm.... no? That’s not even what’s going on here, he’s acting like a typical man and it’s annoying. She then mocked me and said maybe it’s time for one of your “famous” talks. Whatever that means.... so now I’m pissed at my mom when all I wanted was to vent a little.

Please tell me there are other husbands who are like this?? I refuse to believe that he’s the only guy who doesn’t sympathize much with pregnancy.