just need a friend.


My husband was recently deployed 3 weeks ago. this is our 4th deployment in the 8 years we've been married. I can't sleep without him. I'm currently pulling an all nighter because if I go to bed now I'll be late for work in the morning. I miss him so so much & it's been super hard for me to get over this first month. they are always the hardest. I recently got a new job & am leaving my old one (which I've been at for 5 years) so I'll be in a position where I won't know anyone & it honestly really scares me. he's my support, my positive, my best friend. he is my one. just looking for females to talk to & know what I'm dealing with because out of all of the friends I have, not 1 of them has ever dated military, so they don't understand why I'm depressed or lonely or frustrated. it's hard man, especially with our daughter's. I just need a friend who knows/understands how I feel.