32 weeks and cervix is already thinning out

Amanda • Happily married for 13 years ❤️ Mommy to 8 beautiful kids

At my 29 week apt, doc measured my cervix (I have a history of my cervix shortening early so we keep an eye on it) it was great, 5.2 cm so still very thick. At my apt Monday, 31+5, it had already thinned out to 3.5 cm. That’s still a good length for as far along as I am but in less than 3 weeks, it thinned out 1.7 cm. Now we have to keep an eye on it again. The thing is, I was feeling what I thought was cervical pain between these two appointments. ‘Lightening crotch’ I’ve heard it be called, where you get a quick but sharp pain inside your vagina, around your cervix. This was obviously confirmed at my apt with the thinning of my cervix. My doc wasn’t concerned and didn’t put me on any restrictions, just said I need to rest more. I’m getting a little anxious about it though, especially because I have this feeling, as well as vaginal pressure, every day. Braxton Hicks too but I don’t feel like they’re doing anything cervix wise. Oh, and I’ve been losing small pieces of my mucus plug. This is my seventh baby and I’ve never experienced this before. Has anyone else? Personal experience or advice?

*obviously I’ll be keeping an eye on my symptoms and call my doctor if i think something is up*