Friends let you down sometimes...


So at my high school I’m not really popular but I enjoy talking to everyone and don’t have any beef at all. I’ve always been extremely insecure about my looks and I’ve always talked to one of my closest friends (let’s just call him Jim) about this. Last night I told Jim that I was finally feeling good about my body (actually due to the support I’ve gotten on this app💕) and then he decided to tell me what the school thinks of me. Apparently all of the guys get together and talk about all of the girls in the school and every time my name comes up they cringe and call me a fat, ugly bitch. I know I’m not exactly the prettiest person around but I didn’t know that it was so bad to the point where everyone talks about how ugly I am. I also work out almost every single day (I play volleyball as well as condition) so I didn’t think I was too fat, just a little chubby (5’9ish and 163). I think this friend just tried to hurt me on purpose and I’m not sure what to do about it.