don’t stop


binge eating for the past 1-2 years has been a HUGE struggle for me. today i finally had a cheat meal without turning that meal into a whole entire day, and i was able to stop myself when i was satisfied even though i hadn’t been able to finish the ice cream part of it (i absolutely love ice cream). today is also the first day i’ve taken a rest day and haven’t felt guilty about it. after so many failed attempts on a healthy lifestyle, i’ve finally got my mind in the right place. 4 years ago, i was at my lowest weight of 150, but got there from literally starving myself, terrified of the scale because i let numbers control my life. of course after getting sick i had to gain weight and that’s when binging had taken over. i just thought i’d put this out there because to anyone struggle YOU GOT THIS. it might not be the first attempts maybe you go through years of attempts, but YOU CAN GET THROUGH IT. never give up. and never and i mean NEVER let those numbers control how you live your life.